EMS Vehicle Disinfection using the HaloFogger
A recent study published in the American Journal of Infection Control conducted surface samples of thirty three fire stations. “Nineteen fire stations (58.0%) were MRSA positive, 27 stations (82.0%) were MSSA positive, and 14 stations (42.4%) were positive for both MSSA and MRSA. Twelve fire stations (37.5%) reported fire service professionals with MRSA needing medical care. “
There is a discernible difference between what is clean versus what is disinfected. Generally, people tend to spray disinfectants and then immediately wipe away the germs…or so we think! Germs are being wiped away, but more often than not, just as many germs are simply being spread across the surfaces you wipe further exacerbating the problem. The difference between clean and disinfection is hard to see or measure which is why we need certified and validated tools for the job!
When patients and EMS response teams enter/exit their vehicles and interact with patients there is a microbial signature left behind known as the bio-load. Not knowing what these patients/personnel carry as their bio-load, we then don’t know what they are leaving behind to be transferred elsewhere. These pathogens can be found on: gurneys, defibrillator, floors, walls, seats, computer keys, steering wheels and thus everything you touch after those surfaces and more.
This is a major risk-gap in healthcare and especially so for first-responders who will likely NEVER know what they are coming into contact with before they are headed to the next call. This gap can be filled only by total-room disinfection technologies. Our HaloFogger delivers 99.9999% (6-log) disinfection efficacy against the hardest to kill pathogens and all claims are backed by EPA validation and labels.
The HaloFogger is made to be safe around all of your expensive electrical equipment and leaves no residual. Water and oxygen is all that is produced after fogging which makes application very safe for EMS staff.
The HaloFogger has been tested by the EPA, the CDC, and NASA. In each instance, there were positively no signs of growth among C. Difficile samples with 6-log reductions. Within Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, Pennsylvania Hospital, and Montclair Medical Center, case studies were performed that showed decreases of Hospital Acquired Infections by 50%-66%!
At Square One Solutions, we understand best practices are of utmost importance. This is exactly why Square One Solutions chose the HaloFogger…No compromises! There is no technology available with comparable efficacy and affordability alongside durability and ease of use.
Simply wipe what you see, and turn on the machine!